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When reinforcing learning goals there is one common method we must stop using!

“Stick it! - if you fail you have to do 20 push ups before you can continue”

I count at least four problems within this scenario… Yet sometimes I catch experienced coaches (including myself 🤯) choosing a “punishment” to reinforce learning goals. Oh you did this too? - don’t feel bad, but allow me to explain why I believe it is not the best way to go.

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Back to the roots

We try to make wholesome decisions, and when we started thinking about our new events, we knew that the quality of what we should offer had to be of high quality and with a lot of authentic strings. 
To make these thoughts and decisions more clear to everybody, we made this small article, describing some of the reasons why we wanted to make new and otherwise different events. 

Hopefully this will clarify our intentions and increase the understanding of our interests. 

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